Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fun Felt Art for a Kids Bedroom: Arty Farty Friday 33

Dear Chicago House,

Back when Chicago teenager was a babe in arms I was not much of a decorator but I did produce some fun artwork for her sunny yellow bedroom. It was unearthed the other day in my grand sort out offramedart lurking in the basement.

It is super easy to make and you could select any colors to match/accent your kids room decor.

What you will need

  • A selection of feltsquaresin colors of your choice
  • A largerpieceof fe lt for the background - I chose black as it really made the primary colors I used pop.
  • Elmers glue
  • A pair of small sharp scissors - I think I used hair cutting scissors!
  • Picture frame with matting

What you do

  1. Cut your backing felt to be a little larger than your frame matting.
  2. Cut simple circles from your colored felt then cut them again to add petal shapes. You could make all the petals the same sort of shape or mix things up a bit as I did
  3. With a dab of Elmers glue stick the petals in random fashion to the backing felt.
  4. Snip small random shapes of felt in a contrasting color for the flower center. Stick on with a tiny dab of glue.
  5. Cut out leaf shapes - I used two shades of green for this and stick down to fill in any large gaps.
  6. Frame and hang.
I really wish I'd had photographed her bedroom, as I said it was a sunny yellow with rand om stencils of butterflies and flowers dotting the walls. I made curtains and all her crib bedding .. maybe I was more of a decorator than I thought! This piece of art had anaccompanyinglargerpiece.which I still have and will share with you another day.. if you look carefully at my basement haul you''l be able to spot it!

Love from

Creative in Chicago


Via: Fun Felt Art for a Kids Bedroom: Arty Farty Friday 33