Located in Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA, this originally designed residence was entitled Up-Over-Between House due to its many vantage points and ways of exploring them. According to Hutker Architects, “the house can be experienced by going up and over the whole house enjoying splendid views from the roof garden and then descending onto the southern terrace. Or, one can walk between the two stone walls to the entry and enjoy the 'life room' waterfront view perspective offered by full glass walls spanning between. The kitchen cabinets are designed to float like furniture within the glass and stone living areas. The experience is like being outdoors connected with the land from each and every space." Discovered on Design Rulz, the project showcases an appealing interior design, spiced with color and surprising decorating ideas. The most striking one is a round wooden “box” in the cent er of the living room, hiding a small bathroom. Intriguing to say the least. [Photographer: Brian Vanden Brink ]
Via: Color and Design Originality Showcased by Up-Over-Between House in USA